A joint International Symposium Between Mergasor Technical Institute and Porterville College in California/ USA
On Saturday, April 20, 2024, a joint International Symposium Between Mergasor Technical Institute/Erbil Polytechnic University and Porterville College in California/ USA, in coordination with the Directorate General of Education-Mergasor, was held under the theme “Teaching and Technology in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges”.
In the symposium, there was a number of senior government leaders and educational stakeholders including Erbil Polytechnic University president, Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute and the president of Portville College along with a large number of school teachers attended.
The ceremony began a welcoming speech which was delivered by Dr. Talib M. Omer, Dean of the Institute, then began to present the program of the symposium, and discussed the evolving role of technology in education, with the identification of the challenges facing educators. Also discussed the opportunities provided by technology to enhance the quality of teaching and learning experience in the modern era, all of the above was presented by panelists in two themes namely:
First, developing the capacity of our teachers and adapting them to the teaching process in the 21st century.
Second, facing the challenges of teaching in the technology stage, turning them into opportunities.
The symposium aimed to bring together educators, policymakers, and stakeholders from various countries to discuss the integration of technology in education, its challenges, and the opportunities it presents. Cross-cultural educational collaborations facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and best practices, leading to innovative solutions to global challenges. Ultimately, such collaborations contribute to building a more inclusive and harmonious society where people from various backgrounds can work together towards common goals.
At the end of the ceremony, thanks were extended to the panel moderators and panelists and then certificates of participations were awarded.