Author Archives: muhammad mahmood

The Dean of the Institute participates in an honoring ceremony for a number of teachers

Today, Monday, November 4, 2024, in the presence of Prof. Idris Mohammed Tahir Harki, Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, Vice Rectors for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, Student Affairs a, Dean of the Institute (Asistant Prof. Dr. Tiran Jamil Pero) and several guests held an honouring ceremony for some of the teachers of our university.

The ceremony was dedicated to the teachers who have achieved meritorious ranks in the quality assurance process criteria for the 2023-2024 academic year.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the Rector delivered a speech, and after welcoming the guests, he spoke about the role and duty of teachers in the quality assurance process.

At the end of the ceremony, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the teachers.

We congratulate the teachers and wish them continuity.

the Dean of the Institute (Assistant Prof. Dr Tiran Jamil Piro) accompanied by the Assistant Dean (Dr.Tariq Waece Sadeq) and Head of the Administrative Unit of the Institute (Mr. Hogar Rahman), in a worthy ceremony presented the university shield.

(28/10/2024) the Dean of the Institute (Assistant Prof. Dr Tiran Jamil Piro) accompanied by the Assistant Dean (Dr.Tariq Waece Sadeq) and Head of the Administrative Unit of the Institute (Mr. Hogar Rahman), in a worthy ceremony presented the university shield to (Mr. Ibrahim Ahmad Karim) on the occasion of his retirement has served the institute during his years as head of the library unit and head of the students’ dormitories.

Dean of Erbil Medical Technical Institute participated in the ceremony of ITEC program

On Monday evening, October 28, 2024, a delegation of Erbil Polytechnic University led by Prof. Idris Mohammed Tahir Harki, Rector of the University, accompanied by Prof. Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Dean of the College of Technology Erbil, Assist Prof. Dr. Tiran Jamil Pero, Dean of Erbil Medical Technical Institute and Assistant Dean Dr. Tariq Waece Sadeq participated in an honoring ceremony organized by the Program Institute of the Ministry of External Affairs of India by India General Consulate In Erbil