Mergasur Technical Institute implements the Third Mission of Higher Education Institutions
On Sunday 2023/7/2 Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute “Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omer” met a number of employees, teachers and heads of departments and administrative units of the institute. The meeting began with congratulations on the Eid al-Adha, and hoped that everyone had a joyful time with their families and friends.
The Dean’s Omer addressed some important administrative and scientific issues related to our institute. And then, he reaffirmed that Mergasor Technical Institute considers the third mission of universities as a core function alongside teaching and research. The third function is the university’s responsibility to contribute to social, cultural, environmental and economic growth of the community. Therefore, it is the universities and colleges responsibility to be responsive to the needs of its society, and to serve all aspects of life.
In light of the third mission of the university, Mergasur Technical Institute considers it its duty to serve the society. In this regard, several trainings, administrative and academic activities during the summer holidays will be fulfilled for the university external stakeholders.
At the end of the meeting, the door of discussion was opened for the participants, and the Dean listened to their suggestions, comments and remarks of the employees.