Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
A delegation from Mergasor Technical Institute visits the Cambridge archaeological team in Shander CaveToday Saturday, May 18, 2024, the Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute Dr. Talib M.Omar accompanied by a...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participated in the symposium of Shaqlawa Technical College. Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute, participated as a panelist in the symposium (Cultural Exchange Online in Higher...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
The dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participated in the Arab Universities Meeting hosted by Erbil Polytechnic University. Today, Sunday, April 28, 2024, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute visits the Secretary General of the High Council for Women and Development. On Sunday, April 28, 2024, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omar, Dean of Mergasor...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
A joint International Symposium Between Mergasor Technical Institute and Porterville College in California/ USAOn Saturday, April 20, 2024, a joint International Symposium Between Mergasor Technical Institute/Erbil Polytechnic University and Porterville...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
The Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute Participated in a meeting on 22 Feb 2024, with the presence of Mr. Mark Stroh, Consul General of the USA in Erbil, and Ms....
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
The Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute held several important meetings in the United Arab EmiratesLast week, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omer, Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute/Erbil Polytechnic University, arrived in...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Consul General of India visits Mergasor Technical Institute On Saturday, December 16, 2023, Mr. Madan Gopal, Consul General of India in Erbil and his accompanying delegation visited Mergasor Technical Institute...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergaor Technical Institute visits the Indian Consulate in Erbil On Monday, December 4, 2023, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omer, Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute visited the Indian Consulate...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute visits Zom Company in ErbilToday. November 22, 2023, Dr. Talib MohammedSharif Omer, Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute/Erbil Polytechnic University visited Zom Company and was welcomed...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Mergasor Technical Institute and American Porterville College in California become a sister college In an online meeting attended by Dr. Najib Toma, Vice Rector, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omar, Dean...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
A workshop conducted in Mergasor Technical Institute for the first year students of both Nursing and Business Administration departments (Morning/Evening Classes). On Saturday, November 11, 2023, in the presence of...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
The first graduation ceremony of Mergasor Technical Institute (Class of 2023) was held under the slogan of “Resistance and Self-Building”. The graduation ceremony of the first round of students of...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Certificates of Participations Today on Monday 2023/10/2, under the light of implementing the third mission of university, Dr. Talib Omer, the Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute alongside assistant Dean and...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participates in a workshop On Thursday and Friday, September 28-29, 2023, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omer the Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute-Erbil Polytechnic University participated...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
The Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute Receives the Vice President of Mediterranean Universities Union On Tuesday 26/09/2023, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif, Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute along with Dr. Najib...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Running a workshop entitled “Towards Undergraduate study” in Mergasor Technical Institute On Wednesday 2023/8/23 in the presence of Asst. Prof. Amir Chali, advisor to the Minister of Higher Education and...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute-Erbil Polytechnic University visits KRG-Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research On Tuesday, August 15, 2023, Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif visited...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
A Seminar held in Mergasur Technical Institute Under the quality assurance and staff professional development unit, Today on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, in the presence of Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participates in a panel Discussion On Wednesday 2-8-2023 in Erbil, in a panel discussion, Dr Talib Omer, Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participated in a...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Under the Auspices of Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute, summer training course for Learning English Language launches. As part of serving the community and implementing the third of mission of...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute visits Mergasor District Governor Today, Monday, July 24, 2023, the Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute Dr. Talib MohammedSharif Omer visited the Governor of Mergasor District,...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute visits the United KingdomDean of Mergasur Technical Institute Dr.Talib Mohammed Sharif visited the UK on behalf of the Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, Prof. Idris...
Author karez hamad Categories Mergasor Technical Institute
Mergasur Technical Institute implements the Third Mission of Higher Education InstitutionsOn Sunday 2023/7/2 Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute “Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omer” met a number of employees, teachers and...