Asst. Prof. Dr. Affan Othman Hussein
My name is Affan Othman Hussein Bndian , I born in Erbil, Iraq in 1966, I earned PhD.
degree in 2009 in Agriculture Mechanization in the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra,
Slovak Republic, My MSc. Was in Salahaddin University in Erbil, Iraq in 2002. I was the deputy
of the head of animal resources departments in agriculture college of salahaddins university since
2002 till 2004, then I was the deans assistant from 2004 to 2005 in the same college. From 2005
till 2009 I was PhD. Student. I was the dean of Khabat Technical Institute / Erbil Polytechnic
University since 2010 till 2018. From 2018 till now I’m working as a University Council
Trustee. My scientific title is Assistant Professor, I’m interesting in the field of agricultural
machinery, and I have 7 published researches