Erbil Technical Engineering College

Erbil Technical Engineering College

Erbil Technical Engineering College has been established on the Academic Year 2003-2004. The first Alumni graduated from the college was the civil engineering department in the academic year 2006-2007. Then the Mechanical and Energy Engineering Techniques Department has been established on the Academic Year 2007-2008. The Information System Engineering department has first welcomed its students in 2008 – 2009. The last department which was stablished is Highway and Bridge Engineering department in 2012 – 2013.

Dean of Collage

پ.د. ایاد زکی صابر آغا

Prof. Dr. Ayad Zaki Saber AGHA

[email protected]



Strive to develop an institution of excellence in technical education & research to produce skilled and trained manpower of the highest quality Imbibing traditional cultural values to meet the growing technological & socioeconomic needs of our nation & the world at large.


  • To develop high quality technical education institution with emphasis on technical academic excellence, innovative research & development programs with core human values.
  • To enable the students to develop their own abilities & talents in order to discover their teaming potential to the fullest under the privilege guidance of highly qualified and dedicated faculty.
  • To promote equitable and harmonious growth of students, academicians, staff, society and industries, thereby becoming a center of excellence in technical education.

A university delegate is attending the annual conference of the Union of Universities of the Middle East.

A university delegation, led by Asst.Prof. Dr. Botan Majid Asinger and ,Asst, Prof,Dr. Abdullah Omer Yasin, attended the annual meeting … Continue reading A university delegate is attending the annual conference of the Union of Universities of the Middle East.

Mother Language

On Thursday, February 20, 2025, under the supervision of the Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, Prof. Idris Mohammed Tahir Harki … Continue reading Mother Language

Performing medical activities

Today, Sunday, February 23, 2025, under the supervision of Mr. (Prof. Yousef Mustafa Rasul) Dean of Khabat Technical Institute, the … Continue reading Performing medical activities

Health and safety

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, under the supervision of the two Deans of Erbil Technical College of Engineering, Prof. Ayad … Continue reading Health and safety

A memorandum of understanding was signed between Erbil Polytechnic University and the Lebanese French University

A delegation from Erbil Polytechnic University, led by Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamed Tahir Harki, the University Rector, visited the Lebanese … Continue reading A memorandum of understanding was signed between Erbil Polytechnic University and the Lebanese French University

Erbil Polytechnic University Calls for Provider for the Website Creation, Development and Technical Support for the RISE Project

The RISE project, n°101179468 coordinator Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) and members of the project has published the Terms of Reference … Continue reading Erbil Polytechnic University Calls for Provider for the Website Creation, Development and Technical Support for the RISE Project

Erbil Polytechnic University Calls for Provider for the External Evaluation of the RISE Project

The RISE project, n°101179468 coordinator Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) and members of the project has published the Terms of Reference … Continue reading Erbil Polytechnic University Calls for Provider for the External Evaluation of the RISE Project

workshop is to familiarize the students of the scientific departments

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, in the presence of the Dean of Erbil Technical College of Engineering, Prof. Ayad Zaki … Continue reading workshop is to familiarize the students of the scientific departments

 The Director of International Relations invited as a Guest Lecturer at the University of Navarra, Spain. 

Assist. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omar Yassen, the Director of International Relations and lecturer at Erbil Technical Administrative College in the … Continue reading  The Director of International Relations invited as a Guest Lecturer at the University of Navarra, Spain. 

Introduction ceremony of students of both Erbil Technical College of Engineering and Erbil Technical College of Administration for the first year students of the academic year 2024-2025

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, under the supervision and presence of the Dean of Erbil Technical College of Engineering, Prof. … Continue reading Introduction ceremony of students of both Erbil Technical College of Engineering and Erbil Technical College of Administration for the first year students of the academic year 2024-2025

The College Contact Info

Why Study in this college Departments ?

  • Students who major in engineering will find that they have a wide variety of career options open to them following graduation.
  • A degree in engineering also equips graduates with a number of transferable skills.
  • Engineering students build skill sets that can be applied on a daily basis, such as problem solving, decision making, innovation, project management, teamwork skills, and communication. For this reason, engineering students tend to succeed in whatever field they choose.

Mechanical and Energy Engineering Department

Highway and Bridge Engineering Department

Information Systems Engineering Department

Civil Engineering Department

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