Information Technology Department

Information Technology Department

IT Department was founded in 2009 in Soran City as a first Department at Choman technical Institute. It started with undergraduate studies awarding diploma degree in (information technology). Later, in April 2011 the IT Department was moved to choman City. The Department is committed to offer high-quality programs at the undergraduate level. the graduates of Information Technology will participate in developing different fields during Their future carrier e.g working in companies and other industrial establishments, Also, the Department is dedicated to training


Information Technology Department Vision The department of Information Technology envisions to create groomed, technically competent and skilled intellectual IT professionals specifically from the rural area of Punjab to meet the current challenges of the modern computing industry. Department Mission


a. To uplift rural students of the Punjab region through advanced quality education in Information Technology. b. To provide technical solutions in the field of Information Technology to the local society. c. To provide need based quality training in the field of Information Technology. d. To maintain state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories where students and faculty can enhance their understanding of technology. e. To provide students with the tools to become productive, participating global citizens and life-long learners. f. To provide an atmosphere for students and faculty for continuous learning to investigate, apply and transfer knowledge.

mohamed moafak

Mohamed Moafak Aziz (Lecture)



nahro nawzad

Nahro Nawzad Hassan (Bachelor )

Assistant’s head of Department


Daban Sabr Qadir (Assistant Lecturer)






Sarwar Jamal Haider(Lecture)


Abdulla Shexa

Abdulla Shexa Hamad (assistant lecture)

Head of Information Technology Department

First Semester
No.SubjectCodeTheoryPracticalTutorialHours /WeekECTSWorkloadSubject TypeLanguage
2English SkillsENS10220246145GeneralEnglish
3Information Technology Fundamentals ITF10323057175CoreEnglish
5Computer Organization and Logic DesignsCOL10522045135CoreEnglish
6VolunteeringVOL10710 Hrs / Semester
Second Semester
No.SubjectCodeTheoryPracticalTutorialHours /WeekECTSWorkloadSubject TypeLanguage
1English LanguageENL20120024100GeneralEnglish
2Statistics STA20222046150CoreEnglish
3Principle of ProgrammingPRP20323057175CoreEnglish
4Web DesignsWED20423057175CoreEnglish
5Computer Networks ICON20522046150CoreEnglish
6VolunteeringVOL20610 Hrs / Semester
Therd Semester
No.SubjectCodeTheoryPracticalTutorialHours /WeekECTSWorkloadSubject TypeLanguage
1Object Oriented Programming OOP30122046150CoreEnglish
2Multimedia Processing MUP30222046150CoreEnglish
3Web Programming WEP30322046150CoreEnglish
4Database Concept DAC3042246150CoreEnglish
5Computer Networks IICON30522046150CoreEnglish
Fourth Semester
No.SubjectCodeTheoryPracticalTutorialHours /WeekECTSWorkloadSubject TypeLanguage
1Information Security INS40122046150CoreEnglish
2Operating SystemsOPS40222046150CoreEnglish
3Visual ProgrammingVIP40322046150CoreEnglish
4Database Management SystemsDMS40422046150CoreEnglish
5Graduation ProjectGRP40504046150Core 
6Summer TrainingSUT406Core

The Department Contact Info

209 +

Satisfied Students

17 +

Qualified Teachers

5 +

Honor & Awards Win

1 +
