Mergasor Technical Institute

Mergasor Technical Institute

Mergasor Technical Institute (MTI) is a public academic institution of Erbil Polytechnic University in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.  MTI has been recognized by the KRG Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in ministerial number order (1673) dated (17Oct,2019). Mergasor has a beautiful campus located in Erbil District Area. It is about 120 km from the city center of Erbil.

MTI aims to provide highly qualified graduates for national and international market needs and to prepare students with highly technical skills for labor markets.  The Institute is comprised of four scientific academic departments: Business and Management, Translation Techniques/English, Nursing, Medicinal Plants.

Mergasor Technical Institute Video Promo


  • Commitment to high-quality of learning, training and scientific events
  • Promotion of a spirit of inclusion by increasing diversity of academic staff, as well as bringing together different abilities, views and skills
  • Support for faculty and staff encouraging student creativity and innovation
  • Creation of a safe, secure and a friendly environment for learning
  • Cultivation of teamwork, stand on its own and autonomous and understand their responsibility of their learning, serving their community
  • Equipping students with up-to-date knowledge and technical skills in their fields of study
  • Promotion of sustainable development of the institution


Mergasor Technical Institute has a clear vision and mission to provide the best quality of education in various technical fields to meet market and community needs. The hardworking and enthusiastic staff of MTI is always pushing the quality of learning and training, thereby enhancing the professional competence of its graduates which, in turn, increases the likelihood of successful employment in the future.

Dr. Talib Muhammadsharif Omer

Dean And Head Of Council

[email protected]

Sarbast Naser Ahmed

Vice Dean and Decision maker of council

[email protected]

Dr. Hazhar Muhammad Hamadameen

Member Of Council 

[email protected]

Farida Ali Othman

Member Of Council 

[email protected]

Neehad Yasin Azeez

Member Of Council 

[email protected]

Institute Dean (Dr. Tailb MuhammadSharif Omer) Speech

The College Contact Info

Message from the Dean:

  • Mergasor Technical Institute has a clear vision and mission to provide the best quality of education in various technical fields to meet market and community needs. The hardworking and enthusiastic staff of MTI is always pushing the quality of learning and training, thereby enhancing the professional competence of its graduates which, in turn, increases the likelihood of successful employment in the future.Dr. Talib Omer has joined the Erbil Polytechnic University since 2011 and prioritizes the following:
    • Commitment to high-quality of learning, training and scientific events
    • Promotion of a spirit of inclusion by increasing diversity of academic staff, as well as bringing together different abilities, views and skills
    • Support for faculty and staff encouraging student creativity and innovation
    • Creation of a safe, secure and a friendly environment for learning
    • Cultivation of team work, stand on its own and autonomous and understand their responsibility of their learning, serving their community
    • Equipping students with up-to-date knowledge and technical skills in their fields of study
    • Promotion of sustainable development of the institution

Department Of Nursing

Department Of Translation Techniques / English

Business and Management Department

Department Of Medicinal Plants

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