Tag Archives: #UNIVERSITY

Erbil Polytechnic University Announces Youth Mappers Students Chapter Project

On Tuesday 1st of March 2022, Erbil Polytechnic University introduced EPU Youth Mappers Chapter Program at the EPU Presidency Celebration Hall. Our university Rector Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani, the Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Consultants Dr. Sabah and Dr. Amir, the EPU Council Members, Experts, and Lecturers attended this event.

The university Rector explained this program and its establishment background for the participants at the beginning of the ceremony and welcomed them for participating in the program introduction. He said, “Youth Mappers consists of many Students, Researchers, and lecturers who use available technology and general data to determine and introduce the obstacles that face any country development. In the whole world, university students actively join a program available for all people, called the OSM platform. The students digitize a map of where they live to benefit their community.

The primary purpose of opening this chapter in the Erbil Polytechnic University is to develop and build our youth capacity to lead and develop our country through a mapping.

Later, Engineer Mohammed Faisal delivered a seminar. He talked about how those students of Erbil Polytechnic University work on this program. He clarified the program’s goal and benefits in general for Kurdistan and experts, governmental and non-governmental institutions, private sectors, and citizens. He also spoke about recent Erbil City disasters that caused several damages because of floods and constant raining. He also talked about avoiding such catastrophes, pre regulations and procedures to prevent them, and the factors of these natural events.

Then, the university Rector rewarded the active students of this program. Later, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research consultants offered the Honorary Certificate to the lecturers and students.

EPU Youth Mappers Students Chapter consists of several EPU students who work throughout the world to support humanity through digitizing a map of their places where they face disasters because of nature or man-made tragedies to help and support citizens by humanitarian sanitation and facilitation. This step will be a support for governmental and non-governmental establishments and humanitarian organizations.

The Director of Youth mappers and a Co-Founder of the network Dr. Patricia Solis congratulated the Erbil Polytechnic University for creating the Youth-Mappers chapter and welcomed them to join more than 300 youth net groups and campuses in 65 countries around the world, which can make a big difference by mapping their world. She also said that we would support the EPU Youth Mappers to benefit from the other students’ inspiration around the network. To know more information about this network, you can visit this link.

The Erbil Polytechnic University Rector awarded Honorary Certificate To Second Students Conference Participants

On Thursday the 15th of July 2021, the Erbil Polytechnic University Rector Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani offered honorary certificates to the lecturers, students, and attendees of the Second Students Conference, where the University Rector Assistants and several University Council Members were present.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the university Rector presented a speech in which he expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the conference’s success and the great works of the higher committee in arranging the conference. He congratulated the experts, lecturers, and participating students and wished the projects could serve Kurdistan. The University Rector assured his support to the lecturers and students to develop their scientific level.

Later, the EPU Rector and his Assistants offered honorary certificates to the specialists, supervisors, lecturers, students, and conference attendees.