Management Information System

Management Information System

This department is officially opened in 2020- 2021 at Shaqlawa Technical College, and in academic year 2020- 2021, the department has admitted the first group of students. In addition to that, scientific branch students can prolong their studying at this department so far.


Management information system is a process of changing data from a circumstance to another, and the phase is implemented practically. By the end of twentieth century, the governmental and non- governmental sectors had paid much more attention to the field, thus, the process of management information system is appointed as a recently essential issue. Worth to say, information system (IS) is considered as a central supporting and stimulus statue in the area. Despite the fact, proficiency and specializing in building system, administrations, and managing projects is exclusively essential. The role of management information system is comprehensible in the governmental non- governmental sectors in the developed countries in the field of work expedition, administration services, and data services and its advantages. Furthermore, construction, analysing, creating a connection  in the system can be obtained. It can be said that, the process of studying and acquaintance with construction, data, and design and its analysis, which it is a fundamental and essential for student in the majority academic areas.


The mission of this department is to prepare and teach under graduate students in Design Constructing, experimenting and explanation in Building System, which it has a great impact on activating the governmental and non- governmental foundations and institutions. Furthermore, in this department, the students are fully experiencing in steps of building system, organizing Structure, the connections of important departments in administration of organizations, the role of information technology, and the process of implementing information in small and large organizations. Worth to mention, the students are familiarizing with the principles of management information system in order that they can analyse and conduct research in the field in the future.

The College Contact Info

  • Shaqlawa - Sarmaydan
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  • 07500271523
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