Medical Laboratory Technology

Medical Laboratory Technology

Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) department is highly important to the healthcare provider as its graduates are the first to produce patient results. MLT graduates are trained to be able to use various biomedical devices and instruments to perform testing and provide results that are vital in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

In the MLT department, students are taught various areas of medical laboratories skills including collection, processing, and analyzing of biological specimens and other substances. During their study courses, MLT students have to cover vital areas including clinical chemistry, hematology, immunology, immunohematology, microbiology, and molecular biology practiced in the contemporary clinical laboratory.



Muayad Ahmed Mahmud

مٶید احمد محمود

[email protected]

Zirar Mohammed Taher Mizwari

زرار محمد طاهر

Assistant Lecturer
[email protected]

Razhan Salah Othman

ڕاژان صلاح عثمان

[email protected]

Hardi Rafat Baqi

هەردی رفعت باقی

[email protected]

Azhin Saber Ali

ازين صابر علي

Assistant Lecturer
[email protected]

Dhuha Qays Kamil

ضحى قيس كامل

[email protected]

Salam Adil Ahmad

سلام عادل احمد

[email protected]

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