يوم الخميس 14 تشرين الثاني 2024 حفل تخرج جامعة أربيل بوليتكنك. وشارك فيها كاوا خليل ميران عميد معهد خبات التقني واساتذة وخريجي معهدنا، الى جانب جميع عمداء واساتذة جامعة بوليتكنك...
Khabat Technical Institute is organizing a table tennis course for studentsToday 19.12.2023 Tuesday in the presence of Mr. Soran Zulnun Dean and Mr. Hazhar Zharo Head of Administration of our...
Kurdistan Flag Day celebrated at Khabat Technical Institute.Today 19-12-2023 in the presence of Mr. (Mr. Soran Zulnun) Dean of the institute, teachers and employees and head of the student committee...
In the name of the Allah Dear Presidency of Soran University, teachers, colleagues, students and families of the victims.Sadly, the burning of a building was an unexpected and tragic disaster...
On 23/11/2023, a scientific trip was conducted for the second year students of the evening medical plant production department, to the nurseries of Minara Park, in order to further familiarize...

Working in plastic house transportation in our institute. [gallery size="medium" ids="31392,31393"]