Business Administration Department – TaqTaq

Business Administration Department – TaqTaq

The department of Business Administration was established in the town of Taqtaq, Hawler city, in (2022-2021). It accepted first stage students from that year onwards. High school students from both branches of literary and scientific, male and female, are accepted in the department.

It is considered to be a recent necessity for Taqtaq sub-district to take benefit from technical diploma holders and provide continuous growth and development in different fields such as administration, bureau management, and secretary.


Graduates of the department to acquire good skills and abilities. They are also expected to enhance their knowledge in their concerned study areas. Studying at this department aids the graduates to perform their crucial roles in various fields such as, bureau management and office administration. Thus, students become oriented with the actual requirements of both private and public job sectors which make creditable facilities for finding their right jobs in the future.


We seek to be a leading department, recognized internationally for its quality of educational and professional academics.


The Mission of the Business Administration diploma. degree program is to provide the students with successful business administration related careers in various type of organizations, enable them to start their own business, and for the pursuit of advanced degrees in Management related fields, through emphasizing on and educating fundamentals techniques, concepts, and managerial skills needed in the field of Management.

Fatih Qadeer Khurshed

MSc/ Assistant Lecturer

Head of Council

Abubakr Muhammed Hamadamin


Aso Obed Ali


First Semester
No.Subjectcodetheory (hr.s)Ptactical (hrs.)Total Hours/weekECTSWorkload (hrs.)Subject typelanguage
2English Skills/1ENS1022246150RequestEnglish
3Computer EssentialsCOE1030334100RequestEnglish
4Business Adminstration PrinciplesBAP1042469225CoreKur, En, Ar
5Statistic PrinciplesSTP1051236150CoreEn, Ar, Kur
Second Semester
No.Subjectcodetheory (hr.s)Ptactical (hrs.)Total Hours/weekECTSWorkload (hrs.)Subject typelanguage
1English Skills /2ENS2012246150RequestEnglish
2Economic PrinciplesECP2021235125CoreEn, Ar, Kur
3Websites ManagementWEM2031346150CoreEnglish
4Managerial CorrespondenceMAC2042247175CoreEn, Ar, Kur
5Accounting PnnciplesACP2052246150AssistEn, Ar, Kur
Third Semester
No.Subjectcodetheory (hr.s)Ptactical (hrs.)Total Hours/weekECTSWorkload (hrs.)Subject typelanguage
1Marketing ManagementMAM3012058200CoreKur, En, Ar
2Human Resources ManagementHRM3022247175CoreKur, En, Ar
3Commercial LawCOL3032335125Assist Ar, Kur, En
5Secretary & Office ManagementSOM3052246150Core Ar, Kur, En
Fourth Semester
No.Subjectcodetheory (hr.s)Ptactical (hrs.)Total Hours/weekECTSWorkload (hrs.)Subject typelanguage
1Electoral ManagementELM4011347175CoreEn, Kur, Ar
2Organization TheoryORT4022246150Core Ar, Kur, En
3Crsis & Time ManagementCTM4032246150CoreKur, En, Ar
4Material ManagementMAM4042246150Core Ar, Kur, En
5Entrepreneurship & Micro Project EMP4051235100AssistEn, Kur, Ar

Fatih Qadeer Khurshed

MSc/ Assistant Lecturer

Head of department

Fatih Qadeer khurshed (

Abubakr Muhammed Hamadamin


Assistant to Head of department

Aso Obed Ali


Begard Hussein Ahmed


The Department Contact Info

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