About the project

CAMPLUS (“Empowerment for migrants-from camps to integration”, 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000028439) is a three-year partnership for Adult Education financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The consortium involves seven different organisations from France, Germany, Italy, Iraq, Netherlands and Greece who will work together for initiating a cascading action.

The partners will implement training courses addressed to social professionals working inside the refugee camps of Erbil (Iraq) and Larissa (Greece).

Once operators will have acquired the methodology, they will deliver learning sessions to migrants living inside camps mentioned above to promote their lifelong learning and their empowerment.

A study of the needs identified on the ground, in Europe and outside Europe, confirmed the idea that the inclusion of migrants could be prepared in the camps themselves, before starting a new life.

They, in fact, need to become aware of their competencies and to be recognized as qualified actors. This will be the way to lead them to more job opportunities and generally to the wellbeing.

CAMPLUS aims to deal differently the question on migrants inclusion promoting a bottom-up approach which will include migrants as well as educators, NGOs operators; its purpose is to be reproduced also in other camps becoming a model for displaced people empowerment.


  • To support empowerment of migrants
  • To enhance social and professional inclusion of migrants
  • To train social operators working inside refugee camps to promote a peer to peer model
  • To transform territories of crisis as refugee camps into learning territories
  • Foster the development of soft skills
  • To promote a system of recognition of migrants competencies acquired during the trainings
  • To increase job opportunities

The project consists of the following phases and activities:

  • IO1 – Toolkit

This set of tools is the result of the activities to be carried out within this project. It brings together a set of documents and manuals that will enable adult trainers to appropriate the specific issue of migrant students. The toolkit contains a guide (methodological resource), a notebook keeping track of the different stages of the creation process, 10 good practices and assessment tools.

  • IO2 –Manual

The manual contains training modules built on the research-action principle whose aim will be facilitating and stimulating lifelong learning, bridging the gap between education and employment.

It consists of the following 4 modules addressed to trainers:

  • Self- management competencies
  • Assessment
  • Counselling and guidance
  • Management of validation
  • IO3 – E-learning platform
    The app developed an open educational resource based on the contents of IO1 and I02 and it focuses on three pillars: multimedia, interactivity and networking.

The platform helps and accompanies migrants learners into learning processes in total autonomy using quiz, games and other useful tools.

The app will be valid for three years after the project to ensure the sustainability of the project.