International Relations Office

International Relations Office

International office staff refers to the employees who work and appointed in EPU. They are responsible for managing various aspects of international office duties such as global partnerships with international institutions, international student services such as exchange student program, cross-cultural communication, and daily administrative tasks related to international affairs.

The international relations office comprises three units: the cultural relations unit, the fundraising unit, and the delegation and hospitality unit. Each unit plays a crucial role in managing different aspects of the organization’s international relations.

Administrative Staff


Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omer Yaseen

The Directorate of International Relations Office at EPU Presidency.

Email: [email protected]


Drakhshan Omer Muhammed

Responsible for the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Email: [email protected]


Sulaw Noori Jukil

Responsible for University Delegations.

Email: [email protected]


Peru Botan Mohsen

Responsibilities of the Mobility Programme Coordinator.

Email: [email protected]


Mehad Razaq Ibrahim

 Shakar Abdulrahman Mohammed

Email: [email protected]

Zahra Ramadhan Ahmed

Email: [email protected]


Hana Kaka Ahmed Salih

Responsible for Student Exchange Affairs.

Email: [email protected]

Lozan Mahmoud  Arab

Responsible for Administrative Operations.

Email: [email protected]

Grand and Fundraising

Cultural and Academic Relations

Delegation and Hospitality Unit

Structure of Directorate

The duty of this unit is to find fund to do researches or to implement any program or training which is usually related to the process of the education. Usually there are two kinds of fundraising either individually or as organization level.

This unit starts the plan of funding by:

  • How to start
  • Find funding
  • Write a proposal
  • Prepare budget
  • Submit proposal
  • Start and manage the project

The mission of this section is to support the academic staff or the alumni to study abroad through participation in quality programs in a wide range of disciplines. Also to enable the faculty staff to participate in training and scientific researches. Furthermore, to arrange all issues which are related to participation of faculty and staff members in conferences, workshops and training courses.

Moreover, the purpose of this section is to develop the ability of the academic staff of the university internationally, by increasing the awareness and understanding and enrich curricula on every campus of the university, as well as to expand educational opportunities abroad for students from diverse backgrounds.

As the most effective and dramatic experience by which students and staff can achieve international and intercultural learning, study abroad will contribute significantly to careers in all fields of specialization and should be an integral part of an education at Erbil Polytechnic University.

This unit covers the following programs for academic staff and researchers

  1. Scholarship
  2. Fellowship
  3. Internship

The staff of this section with the director of the International office are responsible for the overall direction of International Office of the University through ensuing the implementation of the University’s international development strategies and linkages with institutions world-wide community. In addition, they are responsible to all relations with other Universities to exchange students during summer program or even during the semesters (semester exchange). Also follow up all programs which are involved with other Organizations Countries.

In this section, all Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) and agreements are set out to give the opportunities for collaboration with other academic institutions. The purpose and the details of the agreement is based on the requirements of both universities. For example, with which institution do you wish to partner? What kind of partnership would you like (i.e. student exchange, resource sharing, visiting faculty, joint master program, etc.)? How long should the agreement last? Should the agreement apply to a single department or include the entire Division, School, or University? Having answers to such questions not only makes the process of writing an MOU quicker, it also helps determine if an MOU that fits your specifications already exists.