To celebrate the 22nd of April, the 124th Anniversary of the Kurdish Press, Erbil Polytechnic University presented some activities on the 24th of April 2022 at the EPU Presidency Celebration Hall. The university Rector Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani, the Head of the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate, Judge Azad, the official members of political parties, Governmental, non-governmental organizations, and journalists attended the celebration. The Media Techniques Department students and lecturers of the Erbil Technical Administration College and the Erbil Technical Administration Institute arranged several activities.
The activities started with opening the photograph shows, the journal activity, and presenting newspapers and posters produced by the students of both media departments of the mentioned college and institute. Moreover, the Media Techniques Department of the Erbil Technical Administration Institute introduced the number (0) of Polytechnic Magazine, which they prepared for the audience and guests.
Later, the university Rector Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani delivered his statement in which he congratulated the journalists, lecturers, and the audience for the Kurdish Press. He said, “We should be proud of ourselves because we are one of the universities pioneers in opening the Media Techniques Department at the Erbil Technical Administration Institute and the media establishments approve of our achievements. Professional Media department alumni of the EPU work on the Television channels. As we see them serve daily, we feel proud of them and our achievements. Here, I want to express my warm appreciation and gratitude towards the Media Department lecturers, and I think that pride is all mine because I was a lecturer in this department for 15 to 16 years. We were teamwork, working scarcely with other lecturers to produce and develop a professional academic media cadre. Today, Ladies and gentlemen, you witnessed our activities achieved mainly by our students. We can see our work go side by side with the ECTS System and Bologna Process that we claim for and implement.
Dear guests, I again congratulate you on the anniversary Kurdish Newspaper and the first published Kurdish newspaper. I hope that the EPU could benefit the social media staff and our media departments. Here, I thank and welcome the judge Azad and Ms. Narmin Sindi, that accepted our invitation to participate in one of the panels to talk about Kurdish Media circumstances nowadays.”
Later, the Head of Media Techniques at the Erbil Technical Administration Department, Mr. Shaker Raza, started presenting panels regarding the Anniversary Kurdish Newspaper joint with the Kurdistan Syndicate President Judge Azad and Ms. Narmin Sindi, the consultant at the Media and Information Office at the Kurdistan Regional Government. They talked about Kurdish media statuses and the problems and obstacles the Kurdish media face that slow down its development. Then, they opened discussion gate to the attendees and audiences to direct their questions and comments, which the panelists answered. Finally, the EPU Rector offered the University Placket to the panelists.